Bridge Workflow Complete Notification Option
It would be nice to have the option to include an automated alert that would trigger when a workflow has completed. This would be particularly useful to be able to include on a parent workflow after all children have finished running. For example, I will often set up a parent workflow to get all active projects then run a…
Bridge sort sheet by two columns
We're using an HTTP Call to sort a sheet based on the values within a column. Is it possible to sort by TWO columns within the same query? If so, I'd be grateful to know how the parameter body should be updated to accommodate. E.g. Sort by "Manager" then "Resource Name" Form Parameter - Body = {"sortCriteria":…
Ability to See Integration and App Users
Smartsheet has come out with many great integrations and enhancement modules that our teams use. However, many of those are tied to a user and must be manually recreated or transferred to another owner if that user leaves the org. Or, an integration may be running but others don't know about it and it can break from the…
Show my the text file coming from Smartsheet Bridge
Hello, Please give me the json file coming from bridge output, the data reference is not helpful for me to create a json body to call this exact field:
Clear a Sheet on a Schedule
Hello lovely community, I need some help figuring out the best mechanism for clearing a sheet on a schedule. It really should be easier than this! I have tried the following methods, and outlined the limitations and issues below. I would LOVE to get some suggestions for other methods! Problem: I need to fully clear (delete…
Bridge JavaScript doesn't have Normal JavaScript functions?
I am trying to convert a base64String to binary with the function "atob". However when I run the workflow I get "failed to execute extension module : atob is not defined:". I've had other issues with JavaScript functions as well that seem non existent. Is there something I am missing? @Danielle Wilson do you know? I…
Bridge by Smartsheet: Resource Management trigger
Hello, I am trying to create a workflow in bridge between Resource Management (to pull actual approved hours) and Smartsheet. There are not clear instructions on the different types of modules for the Resource Management step. For instance, I can get my workflow to run correctly IF I have a Smartsheet setup first (which…
Bridge workflow - unarchive a Resource Management Project?
I can see in the Bridge RM integration options where I can create, get and update an RM project. Also, within the update, I see where I can archive a project. However, I don't see that I can unarchive a project in the Bridge RM integration like I can through the RM user interface. Is it possible to unarchive an RM project…
Easiest way to "If...Then" when creating a new Resource Management project using Bridge
I'm working on my very first workflow to create a new project in Resource Management each time a new row is added to the master Smartsheet project sheet. So far, the mapping is pretty easy. However, I have a couple of fields where my end user has said, "If the cell in Smartsheet has "X", put a "Y" in a related Resource…
How to setup Bridge Junction for Update Row w/ multiple matches
I am trying to leverage Bridge to update all cells of a column where there is a matched ID between a source sheet and a destination sheet. In this scenario there would be multiple matches in the destination sheet. I'm struggling to determine how the Bridge workflow would identify which rows in the destination sheet to…