Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

Smartsheet Product Feedback & Ideas

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Ability to See Integration and App Users

Smartsheet has come out with many great integrations and enhancement modules that our teams use. However, many of those are tied to a user and must be manually recreated or transferred to another owner if that user leaves the org. Or, an integration may be running but others don't know about it and it can break from the user account terminating or be duplicated by others. Admin users reports show who has access to certain features, like Data Shuttle and Jira, but not who is using them. It would be extremely beneficial to be able to pull a report of users who have active integrations and premium apps running under their account. This would allow admins to see who is utilizing which feature, what sheets are being used, and how often they run. This would not only give us visibility into use for transfer or recreation, but also give us information on who to reach out to for insights on continued and expanded use of featured apps and integrations.

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