I am trying to Count Ifs the word "Bidding" appears in a column based on the Bid date being in 2024. =COUNTIFS({Electrical Status}, CONTAINS([Primary Column]@row, @cell), {Bid Date}, YEAR(@cell) = 202…
I just went through an update where I needed to manually add 3 new sheet references to 26 Stakeholder Registers (78 total). I wish that after you click Insert Reference, the Sheet Reference Manager di…
Hi all, I'm making a sheet that references another sheet to get data for a detailed graph. I'm trying to count the total number of small, medium, and large projects. The formula I have that works for …
Here is my Smartsheet frustration of the day. Yet another capricious limit: Why do these limits exist? Can there just be a confirmation box rather than a barrier? Thank you.
"Formulas are referencing too many cells on the source or destination sheet. To run this workflow, please reduce the amount of cells referenced by formulas." How do I figure out how many and what form…
Hello Community friends! I and a customer of mine have both had complex sheets suddenly start throwing this error message: Some cross-sheet formulas can't be updated, because this sheet has more cells…