Explanation of "Too Many Cells Referenced" Error - 25M Restriction
Just wanted to take a minute to share a quick analysis regarding the "Too many cells referenced" error. Smartsheet limits your cell references to 25M within a single sheet. Depending on the size of your sheet, that is either plenty of references or not nearly enough.
The Crux of the Issue
The main issue is the use of column formulas that reference other columns. Consider this situation, where the formula column ("New") checks if boys names popular in 2021 ("2021") have been popular for the last decade ("Decade"):
=IF(CONTAINS([2021]@row, Decade:Decade), "No", "Yes")
This table is made of 10 rows, so the column formula is generated 10 times, one for each row. You have two reference types in this column formula; an @row reference ("[2021]@row") and a column reference ("Decade:Decade").
- In the column formula, "[2021]@row" generates 10 cell references, because each of the 10 formulas refers to the single 2021 entry on that row (10 formulas x 1 entry = 10 references).
- In contrast, the "Decade:Decade" portion of the formula generates 100 reference, because each of the 10 formulas refer to each of the 10 entries in the Decade column (10 formulas x 10 entries = 100 references).
Takeaway: @row cell refences grow linearly--use as many as you want. column:column references grow exponentially -- these are what will restrict your page. Again, as your number of rows increase, the number of cells referenced grows exponentially.
Below is a chart that breaks this down by sheets with a given number of rows.
- "Rows": rows in a sheet
- "Cell References": how many cells a single column:column refence will reference in a column formula.
- "# of Refs Allowed": how many column:column references you can make on a sheet with that number of rows
As you can see, at 100 rows you can use as many column:column references as you please. However, once you get to 5,000 rows, you essentially can't use column:column references in a column formula. A single column:column reference will blow through your entire allotment of 25M cell references and Smartsheet will not allow you to save until you fix this. Because of this restriction, for sheets that require heavy formula usage, I archive my data so that I keep under about 300 rows in a given sheet.