We've been celebrating the social distancing brought on by mandatory office closures and work from home has been great! Meaningless meetings have been cancelled. Chatty Kathy hasn't been stopping by o…
Trying to deploy our COVID-19 Dashboard and during our testing we discovered that the Published Links (set to anyone with this link) will not display in Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer. Anyone els…
Some inspiration for the Smartsheet community during this time from Joseph Michelli, a Smartsheet Alliance One member, past ENGAGE speaker, as well as best-selling author and psychologist. He thought …
Smarter Business Processes (SBP) has been working with NHS Tayside who urgently needed a solution to track and monitor the progress of their Resporatory Protection Programme to test and face fit all F…
The Smartsheet team has recently launched the COVID-19 Response Resource Center. This page is a centralized hub where we will surface various resources to help your team with crisis support. This hub …
As a single mom- and full-time employee, COVID-19 brought unique challenges to our household. I both wanted to keep my kid's education progressing while maintaining progress at work. I quickly realize…
I'm reporting live from Day #5 of school closure as a working mom. Want to learn about how I digitized my daughter's day in Smartsheet amid COVID-19 school closure? Keep reading!... Spoiler alert, als…
I'm setting up the COVID-19 Templates and am getting the following error where the map should be. We're on a Business plan and I am the System Administrator but can't find where I would enable this.
Hi all, In the press I read that Smartsheet has released a COVID-19 dashboard for the community - https://www.geekwire.com/2020/smartsheet-q4-revenue-51-78-5m-heres-company-responding-covid-19/ Where …
IT departments must take the lead on pandemic response planning... Your Challenge COVID-19 still has a lot of unknowns. Despite efforts by international and regional health authorities, misinformation…