The ability to build our own Symbol Sets for a drop-down menu (even just using the pre-existing individual symbols, not creating a custom symbol itself) is a desirable asset and would assist in various data management senarios that require the use of more than four or five categories of classification
With a lot of predecessors linking tasks, the gantt view can get crowded and hard to visualize with a lot of additional lines between tasks. I'd like the ability to toggle on/off the predecessor linking arrows. This was a setting in MS Project that I used quite frequently and miss in Smartsheet.
It would be useful to have the ability to customize the horizontal and/or vertical axis values for graphs so that series of graphs can present data in line with each other. In our instance, we have created a dashboard containing all the members of our team and their projects. We have separate stacked bar graphs for each…
This discussion has been merged.
Dynamic View does not seem as user-friendly as in regular view/ sheet mode. Dynamic view - The attachments including photos are not viewable straight away as a small preview as they are in sheet view. It seems you need to download the image every time you need to view it. It also means when you view multiple photos, you…
Hi Smartsheet SMEs! In DataMesh, selecting the "Copy and Add Data" option will keep the Source and Target sheet in sync --- automatically creates new lookup values if needed. Have you devised a solution that automatically removes/deletes unmatched data --- rows in the target sheet that no longer reconciles to the Source…