Sheet Statistics
Something that quickly shows # of rows # of columns # of cells # of cross references # of unique formulas I'm sure there are other metrics that would be nice to see quickly Close to breaking warning or notification to sheet owner Could be part of Work Insights but all together, like a table, and update immediately.
Add Grouping to Report Exports
When exporting a Report to PDF or Excel from Smartsheet, grouping and summary rows should be included. As I utilize a lot of automated reporting, via PDF, this would create consistency in the report view and exported view.
Make Hiding & Unhiding columns an Automation function
Perhaps my "search foo" is a bit rusty, but I could not find an existing suggestion for this specific issue, only several tangentially related suggestions. I believe this is pretty self-explanatory. I have sheets with several checkbox columns that are typically hidden, but often need to be unhidden to perform some action.…
Unhide all columns
I need to be able to unhide one single column. NOT ALL. Is there a feature where I can pick the column I need to view. We have weekly columns that go back 2 plus years. I do not need to see over 100 columns unhidden. The unhide all feature is not useful to our business.
Auto sort
Checking if there's been any movement on having the sheets sort by data in a column as I see it's been requested since at least 2016. We have sheets that are sorted by a date that could be 2 days from the day entered or 12 months from the day entered. We also have a filter to hide past dates. Data is being entered via form…
Access Request - With Additional Information
Currently Access Requests come as basically "I want access to this sheet". But the problem is, and I am sure others have encountered this also, the company is so big. And we are using Smartsheet at a global level. So what started out as a sheet, report, or dashboard for our team has now gone so far beyond that. I need to…
Row automation - add to top of sheet
Add an option when using automation to move/copy a row to add the row to the top of the sheet.
Group Management Reporting Capability
I would like to be able to run a group report showing all the group names as well as those who are included within the groups.
Save Automations as Draft
There's been a few times now that I started creating an automation and it wasn't able to find the thing I wanted to reference or there was a minor issue with a reference and I had to completely discard the automation, go make my change, and then go and start creating the automation from scratch again. There is currently a…
Batch Editing
I would love to be able to select multiple tasks on a sheet and change the status if they are all the same. This could affect dropdown columns and date columns.