I'm trying to come up with a formula to calculate the labor costs per month in one sheet ( 12 columns, one for each month), by referencing another sheet, and referring to the start/finish columns of s…
I have found a key element of Program Management that needs solution in the Smartsheet platform. The calculation for IRR is critical component and not available as general function. As you may know, t…
I am trying to get an IRR for a group's financial reporting. I know other software has this as a formula, but I do not see a way to recreate this in SS. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I am trying to create a couple of formulas that don't seem to be working properly. For the first sheet, I am creating a Document that lists Job titles and the hourly rate. Each job title can have mult…
I am trying to use SUMIFS with multiple criteria, and I am failing horribly. I seem to be having trouble when I try to add the criterion to sum data from a specific year (from a Date field) and/or whe…
My Smartsheet application is going on six years old now and was in need of a rewrite after years of incremental improvements that used newly available capabilities in Smartsheet and as the needs of my…
Hi am am hoping to lookup a price of a product from another sheet based however keeping historical price changes. Smartsheet A: We have production runs of product XYZ listed in a sheet A. Based on a c…
Hello, I have two similar INDEX formulas, where one works and the other one retrieves #INVALID VALUE error. They are as follows: "IF([Nov-19]188 = 0, 0, INDEX($[Jan-19]$119:$[FY50]$119, 1, [Nov-19]188…
This is Table 1 This is Table 2 The criteria is Match the Date & Name from Table 1 to find the Amount and put it in Table 2. And also add the amounts which is under the date tenure for the specific mo…
Hello, I've created a few Dashboards and published them for viewing. After viewed, I removed the publish option in order to stop anyone from acessing them. Is there a way to check all the Dashboards I…