Hello, I am having multiple issues with my calculations using MAX and NETWORKDAYS. In the “Invoice Variance” field my numbers are displaying as negative numbers using the following formula =MAX(NETWOR…
Hello, I am trying to create a custom sheet. It would be a calendar with a nested daily budget. For each day of the week we would be able to update the expenses or add budget forecasting. It should al…
I have to think I am just missing something obvious, because I am having the most difficult time using the Dashboard to create a Line Graph that shows my cash flow over time. I tried using only two co…
Hi Is there a formula or functionality that would enable me to to create a quotation using data from a price list on a separate sheet ? For instance on the price list sheet Column A ( SKU / Stock Code…
Hi hoping for any help I can get on this. Using the image as a reference. Im trying to make [Length score] show a number between 1-4. the scenario being if the length is 30 days or less it equals 1 an…
I am creating several reports that subtotal financial information by various groups (i.e. revenue, numerous expense categories, EBIT etc.). I do not want the reports to display a total row that sums a…
Hi everyone! We currently use Salesforce, Quip & Smartsheet however, we have not yet added the integration to sync them. Can anyone tell me what the huge advantage is to justify the price of the integ…
Good evening - I am looking to create an auto date that maxes based on the month (i.e. 28 days in February or 30 days in September) based on the parent row. I originally had it by calendar year and or…
Hello fellow Smartsheet users! I am running into unique problem and more importantly finding the way to do something within Smartsheet. A little background. I build a request intake/workflow managemen…
As a new user of Smartsheet I came without big expectations. Three years ago I new about Smartsheet I was like "Why I would invest time on another Grid based platform...". I am an Excel, CRM, ERP guys…