Good evening, I am working on transitioning data from Excel to Smartsheets and am having trouble figuring out the Smartsheet equivalent to a formula I have used for years in Excel to spread contract v…
I manage a smartsheet that has a 2yr rolling forecast for 1,000+ expenses. At the end of the month, I would like to review and share all the changes that have been made to the "Cost" column. With work…
Would be grateful for any guidance please. I'm looking for a way of producing sheets of price labels including a barcode that would be generated from a smartsheet. I can get all the relevant data into…
We're a property management company with a construction arm. Our construction is basic and requires us simply to track Owner/Address/Date of approval/Job number (which we create)/Contractor's Bid/Chan…
I'd like to create summary rows at the top of my sheet, but specifying the entire column as a range in the formula is causing #circular reference and #block errors. Is there a way to specify a range f…
There is only a connector for Microsoft Dynamics D365 but our company uses the Finance and Operations Dashboard for Microsoft D365. It will only pull information from CRM and there's no connector for …
The formula works, but it is not solving the equation and is giving me the words of the equation instead =IF([Per Diem Eligible (Yes/No)]@row = "Yes", "25*[# Nights]3", "")
Hi. Is it possible to create a dorpdown list that is dependent on the option selected in other column. For example, when I have list of 300 Banks with SWIFT codes . One column is Bank name, another co…
I have a nested formula that currently involves one check box be checked and three date columns to contain dates in order to check-mark as 'Complete.' However, I discovered one of the date columns inv…
Hello, Is there a way to determine which Outlook receipents of an Automated alert or update via SmartSheet were not delivered or be able to create a read receipt? Thank you,