Nested If OR formula, Better way?
Hello, I am writing out a =If(or)) function right now and it will be way to long if i do it step by step and i am wondering if there is a better way to do this. So my formula is =if(or(Location@row="Place 1",Location@row="Place 2"), "USA",if(or))... I have about 150 places i need to attach to 20 different countries. Is…
How to correctly use INDEX(COLLECT())
I am trying to create a cross-sheet formula that pulls the data from another sheet if it meets 3 criteria. In the source sheet, I need the following criteria met: 1. "Month/Year" column to be the same as the "Month/Year of Report" column in my target sheet. 2. "Activity code" column to be "2105532" 3. "Name" column to be…
Meeting Minutes - automate MM#, author and attendees by date
Hi All, Hope you're all well. I wanted to filter the meeting minutes based on the selected date. I created hidden columns that contain the meeting number, author and actual attendees for that date. I tried using the formula below but it didn't work. The peach background means this is where I change the date manually, which…
Workday function
I want to calculate the working days from the start date. However, we have Sat as a working day which I have configured in the Gantt setting. (So we have 6 working days). When I use the formula WORKDAY ([Start Date],38), from 3-Mar-2024, I get the output as 16-Apr-2024 - which is correct. 3-Mar-2024 being Sunday. When I…
Future Date Calculation to a nth Day of Month
Hello, looking for help with this formula. Need to calculate a future date based on the [End Date] Conditions: (1) Only display a future date if [Ord Amt] is true; (2) Future date to be one month earlier then month of [End Date] unless; (3) [End Date] month = January, then Future date is to be December and one year earlier…
Form Confirmation Options
I have created a purchase order sheet and form which auto generates a number each time. How do I reference this number to pull it through into the form completion confirmation message and/or email?
Is there a formula that can check if a row has an attachment?
I have a dropdown, single-select column that describes the type of action item listed on that row. For example: If someone selects the Star symbol on that row, the column formula calculates that the action item is a Milestone and returns the "Milestones" option from the drop-down options. I would like to indicate when an…
Is there a way to restrict the data entered into a row through Dynamic View?
Hello! I'm working on creating an environment within Dynamic View for employees to enter their annual bonus deductions. Is there a way to prevent employees from entering information into two columns if the total of those two columns exceed 85? I have a helper column that lights up when the total is over 85, but I'd like to…
How to run multiple IF functions independently of each other in the same cell?
I'm having trouble figuring out how to get multiple "IF" statements to run simultaneously. I need it to check the presence of text in multiple columns, but the Value if True, shouldn't stop the formula from checking the other boxes, and it shouldn't only return a value if ALL conditions are met. So, I need an IF statement…
Automatically add people in Contacts column depending on the Country
Hello everyone, My team has a sheet with Submitter, Country, Recommendation columns. Each Recommendation is related to a Country. According to the Country, the Submitter field would have to be automatically filled with the respective people for the specific country. The Recommendations are added through a form. In…