How to get the difference in dates, but not if the box is checked?
Hello, I am trying to get the number of days between two dates but I dont want to include if the column with the checkbox is checked. How do I do this?
Countif with multiple criteria
I am trying to create a countif formula with multiple criteria with one being the approval status and the other being scheduled (which is a date and I want to count it as "1"). I'm trying =countifs(range1, "Approved") +countif(range 2, ???) The question marks if where I am having issues. The column is formatting as a date…
How to combine multiple values in a cell based on unique identifier
Hello, I've been reading through many different Smartsheet forum threads on how to do various formulas using Index / Collect / Join / Match functions, however, I have been unable to adapt any of the formulas I'm finding to do what I need to do. Everything either shows up blank or gives me error messages. Goal If there are…
Change <60 Days to search by month
So I have this formula which searches the past 60 days. =COUNTIFS({18b Issues Range Installers}, [Installer Code]@row, {18b Issues Range Issue1}, ="Pictures", {18b Issues Range DT}, AND(@cell >= TODAY() - 60)) + COUNTIFS({18b Issues Range Installers}, [Installer Code]@row, {18b Issues Range 2}, ="Pictures", {18b Issues…
Give category based on number of digits
I'm hoping to find the best way to write a formula based on the number of digits. I have column called "Area" which contains number of 1, 2, or 3 digits. I need to write a formula in another column to give a designation to the area, either "R" for all 1 and 2 digit numbers and a "C" for all 3 digit numbers. Any help from…
Hello - looking for help creating my sign in and out form.
I am fairly new (yet familiar with the possibilities available) in Smartsheet. I am in the process of creating a tracking form for my job to see anytime a device is in use and which employee is in possession of a shared device and what location they are working at that moment. I am collecting the employee's name and ID…
Link Sheets and pull multiple data
Dear Smartsheets family I am fairly sure this is a simple question but how can I link two forms and import multiple data information into the sheet by simply updating the unique form no. I had used a template and it stated a 'Portfolio Summery' that I cannot find. But non the less what is the process? Here are some screen…
@Paul Newcome can you help. I have a formula that i had Gemini AI create that isn't working. for average time in mm:ss format. first can smart sheet display a result like this. 2nd if so, what is wrong with this formula? =TEXT(((SUM([Total Match Time]:[Total Match Time]) / Stats4) / 60), "[0]") & ":" &…
Hi All - I am new to Smartsheets and I'm attempting to teach myself as I go. I created a sheet for every department that also has a form attached with specific questions to be answered. Department managers will use the form link provided to input their information daily. I am struggling with how to get these metrics to…
Currency conversation using a table in a separate sheet
I would like to use collect/look-up to reference and convert amounts into USD. Columns on the sheet where the conversation needs to take place: Reimbursement Amount Currency 3-letter code If the 3 letter code is USD, copy the amount, if it is not USD, it needs to look up 3-letter code and times it by the conversation rate.…