Getting field value
I wanted to check if there is a way i can check on a certain column, if the value in the cell matches the value i need, provide me the value from another cell in the same row.
Referencing the Row Above in a Formula
Hi all! I am trying to create a formula that compares 2 values in the same column. One on the current row, to one on the row right above it. Every row represents a separate week, and I want to compare metrics from the current week, to last week, and based on the result (>,<,=) a symbol will appear. I found a post where…
Formula, IF Statement?? Escalation Status
I want to add a formula; The criteria is as follows: IF "Actual Implementation Complete Date" = BLANK AND "Target Implementation Date" is 14 (business days) (greater than or equal to) to than "Escalation Status" = "At Risk", otherwise "Overdue"
How to Sum (Distinct Value Column 1 * the Qty in the same Row) + the Count of distinct in Column1
I am trying to create a formula that will Sum the (Distinct Value from Column 1* the Qty in the same Row) + the Count of distinct values in Column1 for a total to be calculated in another Sheet next to the Distinct value. There may be an easier or more straight forward way to do this but I am not sure. Below is an example…
Vlookup? Index/Match?
Need some assistance. Our fiscal months/years are a little wonky :). I have a sheet "Master Fiscal Year Dates" which provides the exact dates for each fiscal year, period, and quarter. In my accident tracking sheet, I need to pull in the Fiscal Year, the period, and the quarter from the Master Fiscal Year Dates sheet -…
Health Balls & Formula (Today's Date v. Follow-Up Date)
I need a formula (for Red, Yellow, Green) Health Balls in the "Follow-Up Status" Column, based on the date in "Follow-up Date" Column Red=2 weeks from Today Yellow=1 week from Today Green="Contract Executed Date" is NOT Blank
Adding a 3rd criteria -- help with Syntax
Intent: Collect the amount of Non-Billed Payments for a specific timeframe if the payment type is 5. *** Definitions: Separate Metrics sheet used to collect the following -- > Sheet/Column {Non-Billed Payments Date Paid} is a date field in a referenced sheet [Range Start] [Range End} are date fields for the first and last…
Can I have "does not contain" as a SUMIFS condition?
Hi. I'm trying to write a SUMIFS, and I'm having some trouble. I want to make "does not contain" one of the conditions. I have previously achieved something similar outside of a SUMIF by nesting the CONTAINS formula within the NOT formula, but I can't get it to work here. I think I am doing something wrong with the range.…
RFQ and Invoice
Hi Team, I am trying to find a template to create/form a RFQ for a customer and then turn that into an invoice. So for clarity - customer ask for a quote to build a product that has multiple steps to complete. for example: Purchase metal, cut metal, shape and form metal, weld metal, pain and ship. Steps and processes might…
Conditional Approval & Approver Automation
Hi - I've been trying to come up with the best way to implement a process into Smartsheet and can't really come up with an ideal method. Hoping someone can give me an idea or point me in the right direction. We have a process where a user submits an intake item and then it goes to a general group for them to review/update…