Countifs + Contains or Find Formula Help
I require assistance please to create a formula based on two criteria: COUNT "SPI Quoted Value" column, when >0 and when "Date" column CONTAINS or FIND "January" Therefore if I only selected the first six rows as example, the SPI Quantity cell would return the value of 4. I tried this formula, however didn't work…
How do I include Contact List Columns in Concatenation?
I need to create a primary key on a page that includes 3 text columns and 1 contact list. The formula errors when I try to include the contact list, but works fine without it. Is there a way to reference a contact column as text or get it to just read the name in the contact for that cell as text?
Using IF Statement & DATE
I'm trying to combine formulas that if a check box is clicked, it returns the number 7 to me or else it runs a formula for subtracting dates from TODAY but unfortunately I keep getting #INVALID DATA TYPE =IF(OR(COMPLETE@row, "7"), (TODAY() - DATE@row)) Any help would be great appreciated. Thanks.
Trigger reminder on absence of comments
Hi, It looks like the "modified" column doesn't update when a comment is added to a row. Comparing this date/time value to today's date/time value is the only way I see to automate a reminder when a row has not been updated (and by updated, I mean a comment left on the row, not a cell changing). example - remind 'assignee'…
Nested Ifs
I need and if statement on a metric sheet that counts if 3 criteria are met. If one column = this If another column = that If last column = "No" This is what I have and I though it might work but I get the #UNPARSEABLE error. =COUNTIFS({Range 1}, [Primary Column]3, FIND(AND({Range 3} = [Primary Column]9, {Range 2} "No")))…
Resending a Row with attachments
I have an automation set up to send an "update"/"notify" a specific person when a new row is added. I didn't select any advanced options. We didn't want him notified EVERY time a small change is made to a row, but there are times he has updated significant information and he essentially wants to resend that row to himself.…
Creating a widget
Hi, I need assistance in creating a widget for a dashboard. So basically I have got a sheet with close to 2000 rows and each of those rows have action owners, due dates, etc. I would like to create a widget that would show when the actions are due and who the action owners are (action owners vs due date). Can anyone…
Calendar App - multi-select filter
Hi, can someone point me in the right direction? Can a category filter in a calendar be multi-select, so you can see all selected categories activities in the resulting calendar view? We have a category filter on market priority and would like to be able to offer a multi priority view. If possible, how do we set this up?…
Combine "Specific People" and "Contact in a Cell" in the the same approval action
When requesting an approval, I want to be able to send the decision to "contacts in a cell" and cc a "specific person". It appears I can only choose "Specific People" or "Contacts in a Cell" when determining the action from that approval. I have to create a separate workflow based on the population of the approval column.…
Calendar View Font Size
Hello - is there a way to change my calendar view font size? I'm just trying to put a basic timeline view of a process but the font is tiny making it challenging to read.