Formula and automatic hyperlink cell back to other sheet
In a sheet, we have a column formula taking a value from another sheet using 'reference another sheet' we would like it to create a hyperlink back to the other sheet where it took the value from. How this is helpful: we have a vendor portal where our vendors send in their invoices via a form to a sheet, then in one of the…
Dashboard Hyperlinks
I have a dashboard widget that contains a hyperlink to a form. There is a connected access sheet that we use to create individual hyperlinks for multiple clients using a query string. Currently I am copy/pasting the hyperlink from my access sheet into my dashboard widget. Does anyone know if it is possible to link the…
Link to a Smartsheet section
I have separate Smartsheet with ties to tasks in another detailed Smartsheet. Can I create a link that goes to that particular task so that people can see all subtasks and comments? In the old days used to create anchors in HTML to accomplish this. Thanks.
Automatic Hyperlinking
Hi, I have been investigating whether Automatic Hyperlinking is something that can be done within Smartsheet. For example: A hyperlink in Column A and text in Column B, Automatic Hyperlinked Text Column C. The consensus seems to be that this feature doesn't exist or can't be implemented. Has anyone found a work around?…
Project Card Attachment URL's
When I open attached hyperlinks, google docs, etc. from a project card, it opens a new window to navigate to the link. Is there any way to adjust my settings that the link could open in a new tab in my browser? It would help my ease of use GREATLY!!
Conditional formatting of hyperlinks
I searched the forums but couldn't find a solution to this. I want to apply conditional formatting to my hyperlinks, but it's not working as intended. The italicizing works, but the font color stays blue and the underlining remains. It seems that Smartsheet insists on making hyperlinks blue and underlined. Is there a way…
Comments - Email notifications/hyperlinks
Hi All, Just throwing this out there, but is anyone else experiencing this? Multiple people in my organization have reported that the email notifications they are sending out via Smartsheet comments are not being received. Not when they CC themselves and not to their recipients; they would even get the "Email Sent"…
Email notifications/comments - Removed External Links
We been having reoccurring issues where email addresses/weblinks are being removed from notifications/emails sent via SS comments which are being sent by our Unlicensed Free Users. It has come to our attention that this is currently expected behavior for Unlicensed Free Users. The only way around this apparently is to…
USA Map with Report Linking
I am looking to link state reports onto a USA map. The goal is to click on the state and it will take you to that state report. I have tried saving states and creating the map, however there are large gaps between states Anyone have any suggestions or a solution that you may of used. Thank you,
Table of Content in Dashboard
It would be great if one could auto-generate a Table of Content (new Widget) in a Dashboard by indicating which widgets should be part of the Table of Content and then Links would be generated either at the top or the bottom of the page (selectable) that would link to the different sections of the same Dashboard.