Smartsheet Merge and Transpose
Hello, I have two sheets. One sheet is a list of items to be offered at a charity auction with a different row for each item and columns with specific (Item number, donor, minimum bid, winning bidder number, cost etc). The 2nd sheet is a list of the bidders with a sum of the total that they have bid (bidder number, count…
how to receive excel file notification for the newest update in smartsheet ?
Hello, for the current smartsheet, for each new/update records in smartsheet: we receive an email notification for these updates. that is great.., however, in stead of receiving an email with all the new/update records on that email. are we able the send all the update/new records as an attachment - (excel format) via that…
GMAIL and Smartsheet Integration
Good afternoon Is there a reason why we are not able to fill out some of our columns on the Samrthseet Side bar ? It says "Please edit the following columns in Smartsheet" which requires an added step....... Thank you
clock icon in iOS app
We are trying to use the Smartsheet app for the iphone. One of the users is not being able to update in the list view and seeing the clock incon next to each line item. Does anyone know what this means? Thanks for your help.
Field Employee time tracking software that integrates with Smartsheet?
I'm looking for a time tracking solution for field employees that integrates with Smartsheet. In our organization we have a master project list sheet that compiles project data for all of our active projects. Our field installers are currently logging their time using T Sheets, they're clocking in/out as well as selecting…
Tableau Online vs Server
Looking to link a Tableau dashboard to my Smartsheet dashboard, but according to this link we have to use Tableau Online. Will a link to Tableau Server also work? All my testing is giving me an error for invalid URL so asking here. We don't use Tableau Online due to it being outside our firewall.
Can the barcode function pull up forms on Smartsheets?
We are looking to integrate the barcode functionality with our smartsheets database. If a user scans a barcode, can the relevant form be pulled up from Smartsheets for the user to fill out?
Smartsheet iCal - Publish By Filter
I am playing with the iCal publish and have a couple of questions: The Smartsheet Calendar allows me to add a filter for the items I want displayed. However, can I publish the filtered view to Outlook without changing the view for other people who have subscribed to that ics link? In other words, is there a way to get a…
Email Notification template
When I setup an email notification everything works fine. However, as an email marketing specialist it pains me to send out the data in such a standard (boring) template. Is there a way to edit the look of the emails that are generated through Smartsheets? This would be a huge benefit to helping sell this software to my…
Fleet maintenance template
Hi there I am looking for a template to adapt to assist us with machinery maintenance on the farm. I want to be able to record work done and to set reminders for upcoming maintenance tasks. I am sure someone must have already done something similar with smart sheet - any help gladly received. Andrew