Dynamic Dashboard Calculator/Model
Hello, I'm still learning Smartsheets and wondering if there's a way to create a dynamic "calculator" type dashboard fused with a form. I am hoping folks can fill out a form live and once submit automatically see the produced outcome, based on the form inputs, on the screen. Is that a possibility? Or is the only option to…
Grant Management in Smartsheets
Hello Community, I am setting up a company's grants management system from scratch. I would like to know how others in the Smartsheet grant community have utilized the software to manage grant finances (budget drawdown, etc.) I don't see much in smartsheets on how to use it for grant purposes. Thanks, Shamika
Count If Current Week
Hi Everyone, I have some daily data with dates and I want to get the week to date numbers off that data (Monday - Sunday of current week). I know countif is needed but I'm not sure how to go thru the rest. Your help is appreciated.
Contact pictures in reports
Is there a way to show the small pictures besides contact names in a "contact list" column type on a report? The small pictures do show up in the grid driving the report, but don't show on the report itself (...and obviously, don't show in dashboards using that report either).
Why is my embedded web content unable to be seen by other users?
Within my team's workspace, I have created various sheets and reports that are being rolled into a single dashboard. One of the reports I created in this workspace is best suited for a "card view" report. For context, this report organizes various project cards by which phase they are currently in. For me to have this card…
Edit message within scheduled "Send as attachment" PDF Report
I can see how to edit the recurrence of a scheduled "Send as attachment" PDF version of a report, however can't seem to figure out how to edit the "cover message" text that goes out with the PDF. What am I missing?
Report Grouping - Full collapse
Issue - If you have multiple groupings in a Report and you want the report to be Collapsed. There is no way to select what grouping you want to stay open/closed. In my example, I want the Region level to be shown but not the Quarters. there is no way to pick which group is the priority to stay open or closed. I think…
Column descriptions for Reports
Does anyone know if this has been submitted for enhancements, or if this option is coming in the near future?
Can a column description show in a report or is there a way to to this at all please??
Can a column description show in a report or is there a way to to this at all please?? Thanks :)
Descriptions for Reports
I would love an area where I can outline specific information, filter details, or specific usage instructions within a report when sharing with my team. Especially those that are mainly collaborators and don't spend as much time in Smartsheet.