Is it Possible to Have a Form Pull From a Summary Field on the Sheet?
I believe I've seen that this isn't possible but wanted to check if anything has changed or if someone came up with a solution. I have a form where people sign up for a tour. In the main sheet I use the Sheet Summary to keep track of how many spots are left for the tour. I would like to pull from this Sheet Summary field…
Formula to calculate the difference between two numbers based on a month in another column
I am unsure if it is possible to do what I want, but I wanted to ask. I have attached a copy of my grid. I want a formula to calculate the difference between the largest and smallest numbers for each well for each month. For example, for well #2 in month one, find the largest number (58650300) and subtract the smallest…
Sheet Title Formula?
Does anyone know if there's automation or a Formula where I can pull the Sheet Title into? For example, I want to create a "Project Name" column in a template that will bring the Sheet Title down to the row level. The use case is to then have a dashboard/report that will combine all my project sheet tasks into one. I know…
Inspection tracking template - functions
Hello, I am using the Inspection tracking template and it includes the following function: =COUNTIFS({MED1}, "No", {Date}, MONTH(@cell ) = $[Month#]@row) I would like to measure the number of violations per room, rather than per month but I am having difficulty knowing how to change the {Date}, MONTH(@cell ) =…
Summary Function Between Business and Pro
Apologies if this is the wrong area to post this… I am a one-person shop that uses Smartsheet to manage various tasks. One of these is the PTA where I volunteer as a board member. I would love to use the dashboard feature to track certain metrics (parent attendance at events and our performance in fundraising) and show…
Index Collect criteria with MAX latest date
Hi, I've been hitting myself over the head for not 'getting' it, I think i'm doing the correct thing, but obviously since I'm reaching out, I am NOT ;) If you would be so kind, please enlighten me on my error. In a sheet summary I'm trying to do the following: =INDEX(COLLECT(ReportSummary:ReportSummary;…
30 Days or more + Every status except for one
I am looking for a count of rows that have a date before the last 30 days [Last Date of BHL Contact], and the status in [BHL Appointment Follow Up Status] is anything except for “Appointment Attendance Confirmed” I have tried many variations of =COUNTIFS([Last Date of BHL Contact]:[Last Date of BHL Contact], >=TODAY(-30)),…
Rolling 12 month column chart
I have a column chart as seen below: The summary sheet i use as the data source is formatted as below: I used a summary sheet instead of a summary report as it gives me more options to manipulate the data, but also structure it correctly in terms of month order. The months and years will have to manually be inputted and…
Report showing Item entered Fail, but not Pass
Hello all, First time posting here. I'm using forms to populate sheets with data on quality inspections processed. I'm looking for a way to create an ongoing, active report of units (which are identified uniquely with a serial number) that are awaiting fixes. Currently I submit a form for the initial "Fail", then submit a…
How to actually USE the summary info from a report?
I have two reports both bringing in information from the same sheet. One is grouped first by country, then by month. The other is grouped just by month. For each of these groupings, I have it summarizing totals and maximums for each column. This is brilliant, this is exactly the information that I need. But now I need to…