Viewing a Smartsheet form submission in the form it was submitted through
I've created a form for project request submissions and want to view the submissions in the same form it was submitted on. This would make the submissions easy to review and work on. The grid view is not conducive to displaying several sentences of description/comments in and a different view is needed. How can I…
Smartsheet summary formula
Hi All I am trying to create a smartsheet formula for the Summary field that will return the maximum someone in a Senior Quantity Surveyor role is being paid currently in the company, plus the name of the person. I have the max salary part sorted - =MAX(COLLECT(Salary:Salary, [Job Title]:[Job Title], "Senior Quantity…
Formula Help
Hi - I need help with a formula for a sheet summary field. 1. Open Tasks that are due in the next week. I want to capture a status that does not contain "Complete" and then if the task is within the next 7 days. 2. I also want to capture the count of open tasks that are overdue - i.e., in the past. Thank you!
Can I use Summary fields in formula
I have created some sheet summary fields to count the number of records that meet a specific criteria e.g. Fire Doors - Pass is the summary field and the formula is =COUNTIFS([Last Month]:[Last Month], ="True", [Fire Doors]:[Fire Doors], ="Yes") I have done the same for several other fields too e.g. Fire Exit Routes -…
Count # of cells approaching a date for sheet summary
I'm trying to create a sheet summary field that counts the number of cells in a column that are less than a week from the date in the cell. This is what I've tried: =COUNTIF(Off-Site to On-Site Return Estimation:Off-Site to On-Site Return Estimation, TODAY(<7) Thank you for any help!
Formatting Sheet Summary Reports
Enable formatting in sheet summary reports. E.g changing text size, bolding, colour, move value to centre etc. Currently sheet summary reports look sloppy, requiring time consuming work to add the values as metrics to dashboards if you want them to be presented well.
How to calculate NPS Score from Smartsheet Sheet
Hello, I have tried to calculate our NPS score, but am getting either UNPARSEABLE or 0. What am I doing wrong here? I've tried this formula (NPS Score 1): And this one (NPS Score 2):
Need a better Sheet Summary Formula - (Collect/Max & Index/Match)
In my example, I am able to return the top Sales for an item based on certain criteria for a Sheet Summary formula (Shirt Top Sales) with =MAX(COLLECT(Sales:Sales, Product:Product, "Shirt")). I am also able to return the Color for the Top selling Shirt (Blue) with a formula using the previous summary value in the formula:…
Need another set of eyes on SUMIFS formula in Sheet Summary
Hi and Happy New Year, Hope all is going well for you. In the Project Intake Sheet, I'm using the Sheet Summary to calculate metrics for reporting. On this particular formula, I keep getting #UNPARSABLE. I haven't been able to figure it out all day. Appreciate any input you may have! Goal: To sum the values in the ARR…
Compare Pre and Post Survey Results
I have a pre class survey and a post class survey. The surveys include both likert scale and fill in the blank questions. I would like to compare the data from the pre class survey to the post class survey in order to analyze and create metrics on improvement. Any ideas on how to actualize this?