Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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Inspection tracking template - functions

edited 11/27/24 in Formulas and Functions


I am using the Inspection tracking template and it includes the following function:

=COUNTIFS({MED1}, "No", {Date}, MONTH(@cell ) = $[Month#]@row)

I would like to measure the number of violations per room, rather than per month but I am having difficulty knowing how to change the {Date}, MONTH(@cell ) = $[Month#]@row) part of the function. I would essentially like to make a function that says - count if there is a "No" within a reference, and within the row that has this lab number.


  • Community Champion

    Hi @Aly Ervin

    I copied the "=COUNTIFS({MED1}, "No", {Date}, MONTH(@cell ) = $[Month#]@row)" cell formulas to the rows for VIOLATIONS PER ROOM and changed the "{Date}, MONTH(@cell ) = $[Month#]@row" condition to the bold condition below.

    Then, cut & paste those rows above the VIOLATIONS PER MONTH.

    [B12] =COUNTIFS({MED2}, "No", {Location}, Label@row)

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    I put the lab number in the Job Number / Location column and referenced the values as range {Location}.

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