I am trying to create a sheet summary that pull information from a form entry. The form entries will always appear in the first row. However, even when referencing the absolute cell, when a new form e…
I'm trying to find a workaround the lack of functionality in Update Requests. I have a Sheet Summary field called "Project Update" where our Project Lead is expected to put a brief statement on their …
I have worked up SUMIFS that sums the Final COS for each of main Account Managers individually and for multiple codes in a contracted column that equate to a loss (this worked out fine): =SUMIFS([Fina…
Hi, I am writing a formula that is using data from sheet summary. I am blanking on the symbol used either before or after to pull in the field from sheet summary. Thank You!
Hi everyone, I have a list of documents that have been uploaded throughout different years. I would like to count how many of them have been uploaded in 2020. For this reason, I would like to create a…
I've been collecting data on total completed projects for several product lines in the Sheet Summary panels for this year's and last year's project tracker sheets. I'd like to make a two-color bar cha…
I am trying to use a COUNTIF formula in the Sheet Summary. I have a column called, "Current Project Status." I want to count the total number of times the word "Operational" appears in that column. I …
I'm using Sheet Summary to sum amounts on a sheet where new entries are occasionally added via forms. I want the new entries to be included in the range of cells summed, but that's not happening. Any …
Greetings, I'm attempting to retrieve a Sheet Summary Report as a 'read-only' table in Appsheet. The error I'm receiving... The report you are attempting to open is a sheet summary report, which requi…