Hi, Is it possible to use a countIfs in a Sheet Summary referencing multi-contact fields? I would like to count the number of instance "Employee X" is in the responsible field column. However, i can't…
Greetings, Community! Looking for some guidance relating to sheet totals and how to plot them on a chart. The below screenshot if from a pivot sheet. I mocked up a set of totals rows at the bottom of …
I am trying to create a report that will include not completed tasks from all my projects with a due date either 5 days in the past or 5 days in the future. This way I can look at it and either get up…
Hello Smart Sheet-ers, I am fairly new to SmartSheet so excuse me if this is breathtakingly simple. I need to create a report of the following in dashboard. I assume from using Sheet Summary. It needs…
Hello, I have this sheet I'm using to track projects status and health. Almost all data are coming from my team's project plans, and I use therefore the "Link from cell in another sheet" option (this …
Hi - I am really struggling with the steps I need to take to convert a smartsheet with incoming form data into charts that reflect that data. I've gotten as far as creating sheet summary fields using …
I've search and tried this so many different ways but cannot figure this out. Basically, I want to create a Sheet Summary Field that totals the row for the current month. I thought creating a helper f…
Hi all, I need help on a formula to gather how many projects are due to start this week. I have this so far, but it returns 0, but one date range is within the parameters. =COUNTIFS([Target Start Date…
I'm trying to create a form that I send out to partners on a biweekly basis. I'm working with partners from 5 different countries, and I want their updates to be pulled using the sheet summary into a …
Hello! I am trying trying to come up with a formula for a Sheet Summary field that can output the number of received requests and number of sent requests over the course of the current week for each m…