Asking for help again with a formula. I need to create a formula in Sheet Summary that rolls up how many participants from each of the 10 columns above attended which "Program Type." Program Type is a…
A Sheet Summary field that concatenates the next scheduled task name and due date suddenly began this week to append the date (MM/DD/YY) with the time of day (HH:MM). No changes were made to formula. …
I have a column containing document numbers that looks somethin like this: s-001 s-002 s-004 Does anyone know of a formulas that I could put in the sheet summary to return the first skipped number (in…
I have a multi column sheet. If column Alone= CN, I want to total four columns. =SUMIF([$ Regular]:[$ Regular], [$$ xyz 2021]:[$$ xyz 2021], [Per Item $ 2021]:[Per Item $ 2021], [null 2021]:[null 2021…
As an example, I have hundreds of project sheets in a workspace. Each sheet has a sheet summary that defines the owner, type and status of the project, among other things. I need to get a row report o…
I have successfully implemented a formula in a sheet summary that COUNTIFS checked boxes in a column but because of the nature in which this sheet is being used, some of the checkboxes that I am count…
Hello, I am creating a smartsheet that aggregates the clubs that certain employees are in. That main component is done, and I am now using the sheet summary function now (mostly using COUNTIF) to link…
Hi all, I had a formula in place yesterday that was working fine, but this morning is returning no match. In our sheet summary, I am trying to count the number of quarantined individuals in a specific…
I am trying to create an equation in a Sheet Summary field that counts all items that have not passed approval. This would involve counting all items in the Status field that are Not Started, In Progr…
So i have multiple sheets (15) which are all using the same template of marketing events. i created a dashboard which shows upcoming events in the next few days based off a report (pulling from the 15…