Hiding who is viewing a sheet
Hello! So I have been using Smartsheets for a short while and I think it's fantastic! I do have a query though - Is there a way of hiding who is viewing a sheet? We have a sheet with a massive amount of data on there which is shared with numerous suppliers we work with. They all require the data for different uses, some…
Short Interval Schedule
I am having some troubles making something like this in Smartsheet. It shows manpower throughout a project. Any Ideas how to structure a Smartsheet that would make it easy for the eyes? Gantt chart could be nice but how would i show the change is strength based on time? Thank you.
Stumped with a simple formula - countif with sheet reference
I feel silly, but I'm stumped. I'm trying to do a countif with a sheet reference. I want to count how many rows in my Lease Tracker 2018 sheet have Agricultural in the Category column, but I keep getting #UNPARSEABLE. What am I doing wrong? =COUNTIF({Lease Tracker 2018 Category}:{Lease Tracker 2018…
Export smart sheet
Hi, I wish to export existing sheet data by last year month wise, i. e. i am using smart sheet since 2017 to till date, i am using smart sheet to maintain data and with getting updated by team, i wish to be have a data month wise which i haven't saved it on my PC and now i wish to see month wise data. please guide me how i…
Alerts are not working
Hello! Today we have discovered that alerts in one particular (the others are working just fine) sheet are not working. I have tried few tips from the discussions but they don´t seem to be working at all. I have tried to check my spam file in email, even have enabled "Include my changes in sheet notifications"... Nothing.…
Check out/check in - Validating an inventory.
Ok, so I'm trying to use Smartsheet as part of our employee move process. Basically, in the past we've use a paper form to inventory what a person has (PC, monitors, chair, boxes, etc) and then use the same inventory to validate that the correct items arrive at the new location. So, I've created a sheet that will capture…
Entering data in grid view
Is there a way to have a blank row at the top of the grid view (automatically) when entering a new line instead of going to the bottom to add a new line? I know you can insert above, but can it be set to automatically be there?
titles and sub titles
I speak of Brazil, I need the lines to be numbered automatically, for example: 4 - General Projects, a subtitle 4.1 - Electrical Projects and another subtitle 4.1.1 - Terreo Pavement Project, can you do that? Annex follows example .. Att Gelson
Transferring sheet between different Multi-user Plans
I have a scenario where I want to transfer sheets from "Company A" to "Company B" where both companies have their own multi-user plans. Specific Scenario * "Sheet A" created/owned by "user A" in the "Company A" plan and thus stored within the "Company A" plan structure. * "Company B" has their own multi-user plan of…
Help needed with formulas - paid work opportunity!
Hi everyone, My colleague and I are new to SmartSheet and we are having some issues with a few formulas and we can't quite work out what has happened. We are offering paid work at an hourly rate for someone to join our team to help troubleshoot and fix our SmartSheets issues. If you're interested, please let me know!…