Submitting a row to two sheets broken by SDK updates
We have a form on our site that adds a row to two sheets in Smartsheet. This broke in June at which time the form added a row to the first sheet, but failed in the API call to Smartsheet in adding a row to the second sheet. Example Code that submitted to the first sheet (this was not affected): protected void…
Help needed counting across sheets
Hi all, I am trying to use the count of a symbol across some sheets. I know I can get this information by creating a report but for a more visual presentation, I am looking to get an actual number. I am currently trying something like this but it's not working: =COUNTIFS({sheet 1 Range 1}, 1, {Sheet 2 Range 2}, 1) The…
Cannot Remove Hyper Link on Phone Number?
Please Help, For the life of me I cannot remove a hyper link. I added a simple telephone number and it show as a link (blue with underline) I want to remove this as it not a link, just a number. I tried all methods that would normally remove this. i.e right click on cell (no remove) Ctrl C - Ctrl V (even special paste…
Average of a drop downbox item
Hello, I am currently working on a project that involves a Dropdown box that has 3 options, Not Started, In-progress and Completed. However, I would like to get the average status of the project, and the the formula I am currently using doesn't seem to be working properly so I was wondering if I could have some help. This…
Web form populates parent/child relationship through category
Hello, was hoping to get some help on an issue i am having .. we have an inventory control sheet .. we would like to use a web form(s) to not only take out something of the inventory but to also add something to the inventory. I added a Category column and that is reflected in a dropdown list that matches all of the…
Inserting Barcodes
So - I see the new bar code functionality. However, I don't see information that describes how you would insert a bar code into a sheet (I assume it has to be done so that the search function works). This may be super simple, but I'm a bit lost. 1. What is the best way to generate one? 2. How do you transfer the bar code…
Copying Alerts & Actions from sheet to sheet
Hi all, I have a set of 5 "Alerts & Actions" that I need to set up on 32 different sheets. Is there a way of "copy and paste" those rules, instead of manually set them up on each sheet? Thank you.
Help on formula: countifs with multiple criteria
Hi everyone, I need help on the below formula. I am trying to get the number of active projects based on the columns Section and Stage (see attached image). The 2 sections are called Food and Non-Food. The active stages are called Planning, Strategy Decision, Tender, Evaluation and Contract. Other terms applied in this…
All technicians preferred old Grid view...
Since smart sheet update new version. We are used to able to look details with Grid view.. Now we have to review with grid view and then go to list view and able to see detail...it makes more longer time operate n more comfusion..please we prefer before version smart sheet
Touch Sheet to update formulas with Vlookup
can a Vlookup (or other cross sheet reference) be used to touch a sheet to update today() formulas in unopened sheets? if we can exploit this cross sheet functionality I might be able to create a master sheet that I can open and refresh all of my sheets daily without having to open each one of them. This would allow me to…