Cloning Sheets
Hello, I'm hoping there is a way to "clone" whole sheets, I don't want to re-reference the same sheets over and over again. -Making dashboards for my field teams.
Template Management - Updating Active Projects
Greetings, I saw an older post similar to this subject - but I'll open this one to hopefully garner some fresh information. I use a Template that I've built to start new projects (sheets). On occassion, I'll learn some nifty new feature or functionality that I'll build into my master template. That's great for "from here…
Help! Trying to edit the automation of RYG balls!
Hello All! I am stuck trying to fix the automation of my RYG balls in Smartsheets! I need to add one more IF formula to be the formula below so that if a task has not yet been started, the ball will show up as gray. You can see from the screenshot below that all the other balls are working except when the task has yet to…
Fleet maintenance template
Hi there I am looking for a template to adapt to assist us with machinery maintenance on the farm. I want to be able to record work done and to set reminders for upcoming maintenance tasks. I am sure someone must have already done something similar with smart sheet - any help gladly received. Andrew
Project Cost Calculator Smartsheet
I am looking for a template in smartsheet that I can use to build costs for projects and training courses we conduct. I noticed that on the smartsheet website advertisement it says that smartsheet has the solution. My goal is to program some of our costs to do business with certain rates and then send forms to the Program…
Can cell data create a row?
Let's see if I can properly explain my question! I'm using the Meeting Agenda template to create and track agenda items. I'm then using that sheet to add notes to each agenda item during the meeting. I would like to use a modified version of the Agenda Item Follow Up template to turn any of those agenda items (from Meeting…
Tracking time in forms
Good afternoon, We are creating a form/sheet to track our deliveries to job sites. We want our driver to be able to log the time he arrives on site and the time he leaves. Is there a time feature we can use for forms? Thanks
Help setting up inventory tracking
Im using inventory template. Need a little help setting it up. We receive shipments of doors that we temporarily store in our warehouse. The doors go right back out to job sites, based on installation days. Here's are the processes I would like to design 1. receive shipments. check off that all doors are accounted for. 2.…
Quickest way to create a new sheet from a template?
I can't remember exactly how I used to do it but I'm sure the old style smartsheet was easier than trying to do it now. We hadn't been using it long before the change. The process I'm currently using feels extremely cumbersome. Please tell me what you've found to be the quickest/easiest way to create a new sheet from a…
Publish a shared google Calendar in a sight
Hi there, I've imported our team google calendar into a smartsheet no problem, and I can see all the entries, however when I try to present this in a sight the calendar grid is displayed without any entries. I've 'published' the source sheet with the calendar import, and both the source sheet and sight are shared with all…