I am trying to build a formula that determines if Start and/ or Finish date are equal to "Day 1", "First 100 Days", or "100+ Days" by looking at a specific date field and it will ultimately return in …
Can you use Power Automate to save an attachment from a Smartsheet row to SharePoint? Alternatively, I need a way to link directly to the attachments in a sheet. Is either possible?
I am trying to calculate a cumulative sum or running total with a sumifs formula. The below is working, but I imagine there is an easier way to do this formula. Below is the formula I have in Q1 '23 F…
I am trying to build upon @Toufong Vang genius approach pasted below, however I am trying to solve for a 3rd level and using a. b. c.... I would like to add to the formula to build this 3rd level of t…
Is it possible to insert a row between a WBS structure and rather than the added row taking on the next available number I would like to append and additional decimal to the WBS so the order of tasks …
I am trying to join the WBS formula to include another level or substep ID formula = IF([ID_Parent]@row <> "", [ID_Parent]@row, JOIN([ID_Child]:[ID_Child], ".", [Child_Count]@row)) I want the result t…
I have set up a series of calculations to determine expected % complete, schedule variance and the health (red, yellow, green) of a task given those variables but I am not sure it is capturing all sce…
I am trying to populate indicators if a task is overdue, late start or has a schedule variance based on the below criteria but the formula I have is return unparseable. I think I might need an OR feat…
I am trying to create a formula that looks at Planned End Date and determines the following: If <= Today then Green IF 1 day past planned end date then Yellow IF 30 days past end date then Red =IF([PL…
I need some help with tweaking the below: =IF(OR([Actual Completion Percentage %]@row = 1, [Schedule Variance]@row >= 0.9, AND([Actual Completion Percentage %]@row >= 0, [Baseline Start]@row > TODAY()…