Good Morning, I have granted access to individuals to a report and the main sheet feeding the report. Yesterday, they were able to see their assigned information via current viewer and then the next d…
Working on a project that I need to add form logic to but don't want it to start for a week? Is there a way to have a start date in the future OR will it only start once added?
I am trying to create a formula where I will get a count of total Solution Design by Zone. I can get the count for each separately but I can't get it to combine. Column 1 - Zone & Column 2 - "Solution…
Hello, I am trying to create a formula for a specific location and completed check box. Here is my formulas. Each work separately but as I am trying to join, it does not work. =COUNTIFS((Attended:Atte…
I am looking to link state reports onto a USA map. The goal is to click on the state and it will take you to that state report. I have tried saving states and creating the map, however there are large…