I have an email contact list being populated by a Vlookup that is part of an automated workflow. I have "allow multiple contacts per cell" checked as part of the column parameters, but in every cell w…
Hello, I have a sheet that is tracking submitted occurrence reports. I need the numbers to be sequential for two different prefixes OR- and SAFOR-. Example OR-1000, OR-1001, OR-1002 AND SAF-1000, SAF-…
I can get both of these to work separately, but when I try combining them, using IF(OR or IF(AND or even just another IF(, the "Yellow" part won't work. Suggestions, please? =IF([Milestone Due Date]@r…
Hello Community, I have predecessors and dependencies, but I don't really see a critical, summary or driving path even though I have clicked to show them. Can anyone tell me why? Thanks, Ashley
I added some rows in the middle of a block of conditionally formatted rows. Why do the new rows not automatically have the conditional formatting and how do I add it? I already have the whole column w…
Hello Community, I am trying to track projects over multiple years, but each project varies in length. My concerns are hitting the max number of columns and not having to do a bunch of manual set up a…
Hello, This is my formula =INDEX(COLLECT({103 Copy Total January Hours}, {103 Copy Project Title}, @cell = [Project Title]@row), COUNTIFS({103 Copy Project Title 2}, @cell = [Project Title]@row) - 1).…
Hello, I have the IF part of the statement working just fine =IF([NEXT Month Quarterly from Today]@row = [NEXT Month Quarterly Due Number]@row, "Yes", "No") - basically it is evaluating if the next mo…
Hello Community, This is a more complex question than it seems. I have a Due Date that is calculated off a Completion Date on a sheet where the Due Date and Completion Date cells are used over and ove…
Hello, I have these two formulas working separately on a four-color symbols column, but I cannot combine the two of them without getting error messages. =IF(ISBLANK([M1 Completed Date]@row), "Gray") =…