I have sheet where Group AAA is listed 50+ times then group BBB, CCC, etc.. What formula can be used to sequentially number the Groups like pictured below? Thank you!
I have a task tracker for our team that I want to auto-archive tasks 5 days after they are complete. I built a checkbox column that compares the completed date to todays date (using a reference rather…
Often times I find that I need to give further permissions to users, but don't want to give them unfettered access to sheets. Often times my Project Managers need to add an additional item to a drop-d…
If any option is selected in the below example, what formula can I use to provide multiple results separated by a comma in a single cell? Examples: Option 1 & Option 3 selected, Formula returns "Form …
Our accounting team regularly reassigns projects to new managers/staff and I need to find a way to automate the change once a date has been reached. In the example below I would want the contact to ch…
I was exploring some Smartsheet templates and found a unique feature in the below template set. In the sheet they were able to remove checkboxes in the "Done" column by typing anything other than a 1 …
Is anyone else experiencing random #CIRCULAR REFERENCE errors in their projects created by Control Center? I've triple checked and confirmed that the formulas do not include a circular reference and c…
I'm trying to run a Find/Replace global update in SCC, but the test is returning with 0 updates made. Essentially I just want to adjust a formula found in 16 columns in a sheet to look for "217" inste…
I'm using a document similar to the below example where I need to pull a list of group names by project. I know Join with delimiter of char(10) will provide the list in the format I want, but I want i…
The below pictured report is not sorting correctly. I have a sort ascending by "Carrier", but as you can see the first carrier is Am followed by Ac. My Grouping is set-up by "Project Name" Ascending. …