Hi, just in case anything has changed… I want to perform 'highlight duplicates' on a column (multiple) same as you can do in excel. I know I can add a helper column to countif and mark as dupe and the…
I set up an automation to move rows to another sheet when a check mark was applied to a column. I tested it on one row and it worked perfectly. Ran the whole thing and it's moved ALL my rows to a new …
Hi, I have a column where I want to basically extract certain words from it without having to create multi helper columns. If I do a nested IF(OR(contains) statement or an IF(and nested statements it …
Hi, I am used to using this formula: =JOIN(DISTINCT(COLLECT(CHILDREN(), CHILDREN(), <>"")), CHAR(10)) to roll up unique children but have replaced the 'children' with 'descendants': =JOIN(DISTINCT(COL…
Hi, if I'm using data shuttle, I want to bring in the name of the file where a row has been added/updated so I can track back to source entry. Is this possible? Many thanks Melissa
Hi, is there a way to show both % and number value on a donut chart? I know when you hover over it gives both but is there any way to display both without hovering? many thanks
I have two columns. primary and column B On the parent row for column B, I want to look at any children which are ticked and then join collect distinct values from primary column. If I was to do a bas…
I have a column called '"Wave" which shows a number 1-10. The value is returned on some rows from a =PARENT formula and on some rows it's hardcoded. (I understand it should be either formula or hardco…
Hi - hoping someone can help. I have a parent row where I want to return: 'Complete' if all children have a value in that column, if any are blank, I want to return another column for that row. If thi…
Hi I have 3 columns all containing country names. For each row, I want to do a nested statement to show: If all 3 countries (columns) = "UAE" then put "Local Servicing - UAE" *If all 3 countries are t…