Option to copy questions when designing a form would allow to save time when you have to create a more complex form when you need to use several sets of the same questions with some minor changes. It …
Hi All, I created a copy of the form I used so far, to ask a bit different questions and to collect the data in a bit different way. After the pilot stage I want to decide which version 1st or 2nd of …
Dear All, I created a form in Smartsheet that is quite complex and I would like to create similar version of the same form but with some additional options to see what version will be better for my ne…
Dear All, Do you know an option how to copy questions when designing Smartsheet form? I need to use several sets of the same questions with some minor changes and it would be great to just copy them t…
Hi All Could you please advice what formula to use in metrics sheet to convert numeric data into %. Based on this calculation I would like to create a bar chart that shows what % of all projects compl…
Hi group! I have a specific question. I am setting up a new evaluation sheet with the form behind. A sheet contains around 200 columns however in a form is filtered around 50-100 questions to be asked…
Hi group, I created a survey in Smartsheet and I see that the order of questions in the form does not match with the order of columns in the sheet. This may be because some questions were added later …