Hi all We are experiencing strange behavior of cross-sheet references with status showing something we haven't seen before and doesn't appear to be documented: 'Not Shared' or 'Circular'. Also - recen…
Recently we noticed that when we have a function that looks like this: =IFERROR(INDEX(COLLECT(...), Index), "") If the Index value was 0 the result of INDEX() was an error (understandably) - #INVALID …
Since there is a set limit to Outbound Links on a sheet (25 millions) and for core sheets that hold information used in multitude of other sheets this number can be reached easily, it would be good (f…
Hi everyone I am getting and error "This workflow was triggered by at least 5 other workflows" and consequent disabling of workflows which is causing us a real issue - the fact that the same workflow …
Hello Does anyone know if there is a way to see what is the current amount of outbound links in the sheet (with reference to the information I found elsewhere: "there is an outbound cell limit of 25-m…
Hello, We have to implement a date/time triggered workflow that will run every day. In it, there is a condition which uses a value of the checkbox-type cell with the formula that turns the checkbox ON…