Re: Enable Cross Sheet References to work with Sheet Summary
Hi @James Fischer, The main 'workaround' for this is within the 'source' sheet with the Summary Sheet field, create a hidden helper column that simply references the Sheet Summary field as an "=…1 · -
Hide Unhide Columns
Hi @Genevieve P., @MMcLain, Last time I checked the Community Discussions on the subject of "hide unhide" under the categories of Smartsheet Basics or Product Feedback there were 1,076 post…2 · -
Re: Hidden Columns List
If columns could have a 'Hidden' attribute in their column properties like in Forms, then we could have a 'Hide Columns' option in the right-click column menu, instead of only 'Show All Hidden Column…6 · -
Re: Group WorkSpaces and organize them in "folders"
Simply being able to group Workspaces (let alone being able to also manage their respective permissions collectively) would be a great benefit, especially for those of us with dozens of workspaces we…6 · -
Re: Create Email from cell data
Yes @Melissa Boehl, currently when we add "https://URL..." text in cell, it is interpreted as a link. If Smartsheet could also interpret "mailto:recipient@email.com" text, which i…3 ·