Re: Open Sheet in New Tab When Select Hyperlink in Report
I am also constantly duplicating a tab and then clicking on a link because it doesn't open/can't be opened in a new tab and doesn't really save your place when you go back. I agree this would be a su…1 · -
Re: Is it possible to reset only a part of the baseline date during the project ?
Another vote for baselining at row level. I often have the need to rebaseline only part of a project, or I've added rows to a project and want to add a baseline to those without resetting the baselin…3 · -
Re: How to have a Date and Time format for Date Column Properties?
I figured I'd chime in here and also say that I also could really use a time format column. It's keeping me from moving some processes from Excel to Smartsheets as well.2 · -
Re: Hiding Columns with Filters?
+1 (or can I make it plus 1000?) for this enhancement. Also struggling because reports don't show the relationship.2 ·