Re: Keep the text in a cell if is not blank but if it's blank then add "N/A"
Hi @EmilyEchevarria This can be done with a Workflow as such... Where I have "Primary Column", you use the appropriate column. You can change "Run workflow" to best suit your need…1 · -
Re: What wrong with this IF OR Loop statement
Hi @tprakash2211 You are missing a paren after your 3rd "OR". =IF(OR([Site]@row= "Kelowna", [Site]@row="Vancouver", [Site]@row="Victoria"), "British Colum…1 · -
Re: Sheet Summary with SUMIF
Hi @Dixon You need to use SUMIFS if using multiple criteria. Try this: =SUMIFS(Amount:Amount, [Expense Category]:[Expense Category], "Software", [Month Number]:[Month Number], 2) Hope this …1 · -
Re: RYG Status w/ Date and Checkbox
Hi @Adrienne Strong Try this one: =IF(NOT(ISBLANK([Submitted Date]@row)), "Green", IF(ISBLANK([Due Date]@row), "Gray", IF([Due Date]@row <= TODAY(), "Red", IF(AND([Du…1 · -
Re: #Incorrect Argument Set with =COUNTIFS
Update: It looks like the reference was the issue when I cut/paste the formula. Even thought the same reference was being used in the current sheet, when I reinitialized the reference, everything wor…1 ·