Re: COUNTIF for a date range - what am I doing wrong?
@Nat It was actually the spaces between your formula types and the parentheses. your post had: =COUNTIF ( but a formula needs to be connected: =COUNTIF(1 · -
Re: Counting items from a multiple drop down list
@Amy A Try This... =COUNTIF({LL Action Tracker Range 1}, HAS(@cell, Section@row))1 · -
Re: Count non-duplicate text cells
@TobiasKarlsruhe Create a helper column with the following formula. If([Indent Level]@row=1," ",COUNTIF([Customer Requirement]:[Customer Requirement],=[Customer Requirement]@row)) Then you …1 · -
Re: Why is a formula not triggering unless someone opens the sheet?
@jmhoward I had a similar issue and use an automation. This action will cause a virtual open/close of the sheet which will update the formulas in the sheet. I created a column named date. Then I used…1 · -
Re: Help using the NOT formula
@Emily Miller This should work for you... =COUNTIFS([PM Resourcing Score]:[PM Resourcing Score], >=8, [Approval Status]:[Approval Status], NOT(CONTAINS("Canceled by Specialist Team", @ce…1 ·