Re: Join Function Sometimes Adds Two Columns rather than Joining
@dbrdy Try this... =JOIN([PO number]@row +""+ [Line Number]@row)1 · -
Re: Building a Dashboard from external survey
@alexams In your report you would need to set the filter option to filter the indivdual schools, then in the group option, you would want to group by the Agree/Disagree question and then in the the s…1 · -
Re: Using IF(LEN) to add proceeding zeros to a number based on length
@Dan Y Took out some parentheses and the error went away. Note if your Employee ID is less than 5, it will add 1 zero to the number with this formula. =IF(LEN([Employee ID]@row) = 4, "000" …1 · -
Re: #UNPARSEABLE error in COUNTIF formula with OR function
@PinnCason Looks like you have to many parentheses in your OR argument. Try this... =COUNTIFS({Task List - Texas Projects FND Prepare}, @cell = Name@row, OR({Task List - Texas Projects Agent Status},…1 · -
Re: Filtering a report column to current user AND to myself (being the admin) so I can see all entries
@Sbingelis I would just make a copy of the report so it has the same attributes and update the filter and just name the report with - Admin.1 ·