Column Descriptions - Here at last
We have at last now got the ability to as a Description ToolTip call it what you want. Pity it is not picked up automatically as the Default (Editable) Help Tip in the Forms.1 · -
Re: Shared Report - showing blank
As per Jenny above, but to add to that if you need people to see the results in a report where they are not shared to the source data the publish the report abd send them the link.1 · -
Re: Sheet Size
Its all about design, planning and business objective. Start with a "Pen and Paper" approach. I also use a data entity table to quantify the data needs. Also have a clear understanding of w…1 · -
Re: Sheet Size
Sheet size is an objective issue. Firstly you need to understand your potential data size as each Smartsheet has limits that it can hold. These limits are quitr large, however are physical. The abili…1 · -
Sheet Schema & Report Schema Documentation
Hi, I would like to recommend the following enancement. Please could the be a way to export as an Excel or Google sheet the Sheet Schema. This should contain all the information and properties of the…1 ·