Re: Cross Sheet COUNTIFS
If you use a countifs formula (countifs always multiple parameters) and then say that the date has to be greater or equal to the 1st of october 2024 and less than or equal to the 31st of octboer 2024…1 · -
Re: Countifs for a specific month
An invalid data type is usually due to the type of column you are inputting the formula in not being able to show the answer of the formula. It's likely that you've inputted this formula into a date …1 · -
Re: How would you measure progress by quarter
I had a very similar situation and it took me days to come up with a solution. My certain situation had a few extra challenges but this is what I did: Set up a helper column called 'Spend Type'. This…1 · -
Re: I'm struggling to get a negative number for accounting!
So I understand, is the 'Total' a formula? I'm guessing of VAT@row + Net@row? You could just amend it with an IF statement. So e.g. =IF([Bank Payment]@row = "Outgoing", 0 - (VAT@row + Net@r…1 · -
Re: Multiple IF statements
Hi, you'd want to create a number of IF and AND statements. For example if your tech column was called TECH and curved column called Curved this would work: =IF(AND(TECH@row = "Yes", Curved…1 ·