Re: Introduce yourself & get to know your peers!
Hadn't ever posted in this thread but answered over 100 questions… :) Jim (James) Gorsich - I work in medical devices and tend to do a little bit of everything, including a LOT of organizing of data …1 · -
Re: Collect a Name from a List
Paul is likely to come up with a cleaner answer, so if he replies please happily skip to his answer instead of mine! :) **** Edited after I started trying to brute force an answer***** I'm pretty sur…1 · -
Re: IF Formula assistance.
You could simply wrap the whole think in another if statement that forces a 0 if the start date is greater than today(). That would likely be the simplest.2 · -
Re: Delete program in Control Center
@Patrick Yaeger That's crazy, but thanks for pointing it out!1 · -
Re: Sheet Summary Field - Count Value from Dropdown
@josedimaculangan - just so you understand the "why" of it (or in case someone else looks at this exchange); the curly brackets are used for named ranges, typically across sheets. Square br…1 ·