Re: Select specific person/email as the name for automated alerts
I also agree with many of the comments in this thread, as summarized in the above couple of posts. This continues to be a pain point for our company as well.4 · -
Re: From email name for Smartsheet automations: select a generic value versus owner
I completely agree - I create many of our sheets and setup the automated notifications, however this creates a lot of confusion in our company because employees think that I am personally sending the…7 · -
Re: Comments - Email notifications/hyperlinks
I agree that this is an issue. Smartsheet has gone through various changes differentiating the access of free users outside an organization vs. unlicensed users within an organization vs. licensed us…1 · -
Re: "send" function VS email recipient address NO longer displayed
@Patrick Vachon @Chris Mondeau - Thank you for posting this. Our organization also began noticing this issue within the past few days. I also reached out to Smartsheet Support about this (by email an…1 ·