Re: Statutory Holiday
We do something similar. You need a sheet like "Holidays" which lists all the state holidays and when they occur. Then, you would reference this sheet in your "Service was provided dur…1 · -
Re: Update Sheet A and Sheet B
Pro Plan is the basic, there is also business, and enterprise. Then there is Smartsheet Advanced...with Silver/Gold/Platinum. I'm not on their sales team --- if you have it in Pro you will see it in …1 · -
Re: get 2nd word from cell if cell not empty, else first 9 letters of the word if there is no space
This does it =IF(NOT(ISBLANK([Source Detail]@row)), IF(CONTAINS(" ", [Source Detail]@row), RIGHT([Source Detail]@row, LEN([Source Detail]@row) - FIND(" ", [Source Detail]@row)), L…1 · -
Re: Using IF, OR, and CONTAINS, ISBLANK to track status of actions
This will allow the parent task to be "Not Started", "Complete", or "In Progress" =IF(COUNT(CHILDREN(Task@row)) = COUNTIF(CHILDREN(Status@row), "Complete"), &q…1 ·