Re: Count months in another sheet but only within a certain year
@Andrée Starå - Great news I found my error! - =COUNTIFS({ABM Janitorial Request Tracker Range DATE}, IFERROR(MONTH(@cell), 0) = [Primary Column]@row)👈️🤦♀️, {ABM Janitorial Request Tracker Range DAT…1 · -
Formula and automatic hyperlink cell back to other sheet
In a sheet, we have a column formula taking a value from another sheet using 'reference another sheet' we would like it to create a hyperlink back to the other sheet where it took the value from. How…2 · -
Re: Combine charts in Smartsheet
I need this add well, (two axis) charts, please add my vote.3 · -
Revert to older version
Can I revert to an older version of a sheet from last night? In the history I don't see where someone sorted the rows, so I'm not sure what happened? I thought there was a way to revert to a certain …4 · -
Re: Combine charts in Smartsheet
My team is making me look at other options for dashboards instead of smartsheets because we don't have the ability to have the goal and trend lines in the charts on our dashboard. Does anyone have a …3 ·