Color Fill Legend
Across my sheets I have various forms of conditional formatting. I need a legend on my sheets. Can Smartsheet add a tab or a button or something that describes what colors mean across the sheet?8 · -
Re: If between 2 numbers, then
Embedding a bunch of IF statements would work fine. IF(Number@row = 1, "XS",IF(AND(Number@row>1,Number@row<6),"S",IF(… etc etc Let me know if this works.1 · -
Re: How to Send One Notification Email Per Row Changed with Placeholders?
Re: Column widths should be lockable
This would be great! Please make it happen!1 · -
Re: Access to All workspaces, sheets, dashboards and reports
This 100%. Give me the ability to view the file structure - not the data. Add the ability to reassign sheets without being shared to the sheet would be great.3 ·