Re: ¡Preséntese y conozca a sus colegas!
!Hola, comunidad! Soy estadounidense en El Paso, Texas, en la frontera de Cuidad Juarez, Mexico. A pesar de la frontera, cada cuidad depende mucho del otro y juntos suman una comunidad muy bonita. As…3 · -
Re: December Question of the Month 💭 Join the conversation and receive a badge
This year, I joined a new team with a new role that provided the opportunity to really get my hands dirty with Smartsheet. This included helping to roll out a sophisticated and robust Smartsheet solu…2 · -
Re: Join the conversation on STEM education and help nurture the next generation of visionaries
My fifth-grade teacher helped me appreciate the beauty that is present in mathematics. She also gave us a reprieve on homework on Mondays if Alabama football won over the weekend. That was a magical …2 ·