Room for Automation Notes
Add a notes field that would appear in the automation summary for people to put process notes for others to understand process.2 · -
Formatting in Reports
Currently there is an option to clear formatting from source sheets, but what I'd like to do is apply formatting to reports. I'm indifferent as to whether those formatting changes would link back to …3 · -
Re: Removing duplicate rows in a sheet
Adding at least a basic remove duplicates command should be easy - it's a basic function in excel. Come on Smartsheet!3 · -
Add custom sort button to ribbon
I have a sheet that uses all three tiers of sorting (and could really use a fourth). Every time my sheet updates with new content from its linked form, I have to re-select each tier for the sort. Exc…5 · -
Back-to-back searches from one Ctrl + F
In excel, if you do not exit out of the search window, the cursor stays in the search bar, and you can type a new search criteria without having to exit then ctrl + f (and actually it highlights the …3 ·