Re: Add completed form to Smartsheet
Agreed with this! Being able to see a completed form with only the entered data would be great, especially when working with a lot of conditional fields that don't always have data in them.1 · -
Re: Calculating the difference between target end and actual end in working days
Hey @JenniferLF, For the formula you tried, it looks like you're closing off the IF statements too early, so try something like this: =IF(ISBLANK([Actual End]@row), 0, IF([Actual End]@row = [Target E…1 · -
Re: sum of work hours per week
Hey @Nathan White, I think I understand 95% of it, based on what you've provided here's what I understand you're trying to do: You want to match every 8 hour day amount in the first sheet where the w…1 · -
Re: I need a formula, related to date
Hey @Roselin, When you use a sheet reference, you don't need to use the range ":" syntax to make it work, it would look like this: =COUNTIFS({Copy of Test Range 1}, 1, {Copy of Test Range 2…1 · -
Re: How to generate an ID number, incrementing by 1 the last ID number created in previous row?
Hey @Nezar Loukili, Can you just use the Auto-Numbering column built in to Smartsheet? I think if you add that column then save/refresh the numbers should populate. Otherwise, you could just use the …1 ·