Re: Combination of Column Type's
Hey @JMK88, Unfortunately you can't mix columns types in one column. Maybe provide an "Optional Summary of Work" Text/Number column for users who want to give more context?1 · -
Re: Is it possible to extract data of summery sheet into another sheet ?
Hey @h.p, You can create a Report that pulls Sheet Summary data, then use that in your dashboard: Hope this helps!1 · -
Hey @shelbylund, I would write it like so: =COUNTIFS([Month Reported:[Month Reported], "May", [Issue Location]:[Issue Location], CONTAINS("Cath/IR", @cell) You'll want to change t…2 · -
Re: How do I select the email sender to be the trigger person in an approval request?
Hey @Barry Bowles, I double checked and it looks like this option is only available for Alert actions in the workflow. I don't know why Smartsheet doesn't allow you to select that for Approval/Update…1 · -
Re: Track Completed Projects by Month
Hey @Curculese, When I did something like this previously I think I had to create a separate "Metrics" sheet with 1 column being numbers 1-12 (for months), then I had a COUNTIF column next …1 ·