Re: Update Request and Copy of my Responses
Hi there! Is there any updates on this? We are sending an update request to an external party so we do NOT want them to be able to get the link to our sheet at all.1 · -
Reference a column in another sheet through a drop-down
Create a multi-select or single select column and reference a column in another sheet so that when you update the second sheet, the new items appear in that dropdown. For example one sheet is a Team…7 · -
Re: Remove Hyperlink
Has this been fixed? It's quite cumbersome to have to delete the entire link and retype everything2 · -
Re: Bulk Deleting all outstanding update requests
Can we get this added as a feature please, it is something I've had to deal with multiple times and confuses the users of the sheet when there are hundreds of update requests but it is too long of a …2 · -
Ability to disable update request confirmation emails
It would be wonderful to have a way to customize the update request emails so that the end-user that's making the update does NOT have the option to get a copy of their responses/receive a confirmati…1 ·