Re: Allow Data Shuttle to use reports to offload data
I vote for this. In a world of 100's of projects with Control Center, the only effective way to offload artifact data at a portfolio level is to use a dynamic report but Data Shuttle doesn't currentl…1 · -
Formula using project plan Baseline columns that may not yet exist as Baseline hasn't been set
I would like to put a formula in place for the health of milestones within project plans deployed as templates in a Control Center blueprint. The formula would work similarly to how it works in the P…2 · -
Re: Publishing Sheets with set Filter
In addition to publishing a sheet with a default filter, I would like to take this one step further. It would be ideal if the tool allowed for filter parameters to be applied to the url (like query s…2 · -
Re: Select specific person/email as the name for automated alerts
Completely agree. Reply-to should be customizable in the workflow alert. As the Control Center program owner, I get tons of replies to project automations for projects I have nothing to do with other…5 ·